We Commonwealth dwellers are familiar with the cool reserve of the British Crown; the very model of reticent secrecy.
However, despite the regal purple and golds that I have chosen for this piece, that is not the "hidden majesty" to which I refer. Instead, I am thinking of the pivotal occasions in our life where we are called upon to act and - somehow - we respond with extraordinary grace or composure. It may come at a time of tragedy or strife, hopelessness or need, revenge or vulnerability. A moment of choice when we reach beyond the rote and act with compassion, dignity, purpose or understanding. That is when our actions are majestic.
In my days, I have certainly experienced pivotal moments. Sometimes I acted with majesty, other times I did not. Though I bare the scars from some moments, I also feel the elevation from others. So, which is my true nature?
Both, but I'm learning, and I am thrilled when I see the majesty in others. Maybe even you.